Humor Quiz

Take this humor quiz to find out how your 'sense of humor' rates

Select your answers from the following options:

if never = 1

almost never = 2

seldom = 3

sometimes = 4

often = 5

almost always = 6

always = 7

Answer each question and remember, there are no right or wrong answers. This is just a guideline to give you a base to work from. Be honest with yourself; don't dwell on any question.

Make sure you select an answer for ALL the questions!

1. I have a lot of laughs

2. I have a lot of fun____

3. I laugh at my own mistakes____

4. I think happy and fun thoughts____

5. I am spontaneous____

6. I like to hear and tell jokes____

7. I take myself lightly at work____

8. I like to watch and read humorous material____

9.I take responsibility for my happiness____

10. I consider others feelings before I attempt any humor____

11. I surround myself with positive people_____

12. I plan time to play_____

13. I avoid offending people with my humor_____

14. I like to hear and tell 'funny' life and work experiences____

15. I use my sense of humor to deal with difficult situations____

16. I don't mind acting silly once in a while_____

17. I look forward to, and take regular vacations_____

18. I call a 'humor buddy' when I am in a 'down mood'_____

19. I use humor to deal with stress_____

20. I believe that laughing and humor are good for my health____

Quiz total - total up your points scored_________________

if you score between 115 - 140 you have an excellent sense of humor and attitude. You may not realize it, but you are a humor advocate and positively influence others with your humor.

If you score between 85 - 114 you have an average and healthy sense of humor.

If you score between 50 -84 you have a fair sense of humor. You are a little 'humor impaired' and can do with priming your sense of humor a notch or two.

If you score between 25 - 49 you are definitely 'humor impaired' and need to give this deficiency some very serious consideration.

if you score 24 or less you suffer from chronic 'seriousitis' and are in need of a dramatic 'humor infusion.

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